Saturday, February 23, 2008

watching the news...

The next big revolution will be in the direction of exercising judgment when it comes to information. Do I really need a daily depression dose by CNN and newspapers in order to "get it" that the economy is bad and people are losing their jobs and -most crucially- that the government isn't doing much about it? I say stop watching all this negativity and start doing something about it in your daily life: from voting, from questioning political practices, from living "in the present" and tuning in to what's happening around you (CNN won't tell you how many of your neighbors lost their jobs in the last X months). Open your eyes, be present and use judgment and common sense when it comes to "mass media". Above all THINK. Yes, use the substance in your skull that promotes intelligent life. Mass media perpetuate negativity. This is how it is. It's not to blame. It's up to you to "buy it" or not. I say use your own mind and separate yourself from the "mass". Then you have better chances of staying positive and do something in your life that promotes a change to the better.

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